How To Use Incense To Control Your Environment

image 2025-02-12

Today, we can go out again, but remote work is gonna stick around forever — which means chances are, you’re gonna spend a lot more time at home than you used to.

Remote work is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because you don’t have to drive into work every day, obviously.

But it’s a curse because sitting around at home all day is no fun. It can be depressing — you can feel disconnected from other people.

On top of that, staying at home is boring. The human spirit craves adventure, so just staying in the same place feels... wrong.

Creating the right environment.


The good news is, using the right tools, you can make living at home much more pleasant.

But what would the right tools be? Ideally, you’d have something that makes you happier.

Also, you’d want something you can change up every day, depending on what mood you’re in.

Something that doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to set up, because you have other things to do.

And something that doesn’t cost too much. After all, I’m guessing most of you reading this aren’t made of money.

Fortunately, we know the perfect thing for that:



For thousands of years, people have used incense for spiritual rituals.

Today, people use it to de-stress and add a little spice to their home.

How does it work? It’s simple. When you burn it, it lets off an aroma that smells incredible.

Then, it cascades down slowly. (Don’t worry, it doesn’t make a mess.)

Plus, it has a whole host of benefits.

What can incense do for me?

Incense has a whole bunch of benefits.

First and foremost, it’s known to calm you down. People say they’re a lot more at peace when there’s incense burning.

It’s also thought to have several health benefits. It can help your skin, it can calm you down, and it can help you sleep.

It can repel mosquitoes and help you meditate better.

It’s even thought to delay aging.

But the real magic of incense comes in its flavors.

The flavors of incense.


Incense comes in many “flavors”, each with its own set of healing properties.

For example, mint helps you focus, lemon reduces nausea and stomach aches, lavender helps you sleep, and rose promotes general happiness.

This means you can use incense to engineer the right environment for you and your family that day.

Need to get to sleep? Pop in some lavender.

Need to stay up late? Try some green tea.

Want to relax? Try the jasmine. (That’s my personal favorite!)

Whatever you’ve gotta do, there’s an incense flavor for you.

Incense waterfalls

When you burn down incense, it naturally gravitates downwards ever-so-slowly, because it’s slightly heavier than air.

This creates a beautiful effect on its own, which is one of the reasons why the ancients loved it so much.

But if you really want to get artsy with it, there’s a lot of things you can do to make your incense look even prettier.

We like to use an incense waterfall. When you have an incense waterfall, your incense cascades down a gentle slope. It looks like a waterfall in slow motion.

I’d recommend getting an incense waterfall from Spirual. They’re beautiful, they’re well-built, and they just feel... right.

They’re amazing conversation pieces, and they add an element of spirituality and ancient tradition to any home.

During the pandemic, a whole bunch of people spent thousands of dollars on home repairs. If we’re gonna be at home all day, they said, we might as well enjoy it.

Same goes for you. If you’re gonna be at home all day, or even just more often, you might as well enjoy it.

The good news is, the Spirual Incense Waterfall doesn’t cost thousands of dollars. It’s actually only $39.90.

And for that much, you can set whatever mood you like in your home, whenever you want — and get to watch an amazing waterfall show, to boot.

It gets even better though. You see, it’s currently on sale. You’d normally pay $39.90, but right now, it’s just $19.95.

I’d recommend picking one up real soon, though... there are only so many left in stock, and they could run out at any time.

Get Your Spirual Incense Waterfall For 50% Off Today!

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